Friday, July 4, 2014

Travel: Coron Palawan (Philippines)

I've been to Coron in 2010 with my friends. We took Cebu Pacific flight that lands in Busuangga, there we rode van going to city proper of Coron. My friends cousin was the one who toured us all throughout our stay and they're also the one who arranged our itenerary, stay and food. We stayed at Darayonan (nice staff, nice room, good and cheap accomodation) - with swimming pool (where together with my friends, we learned how to swim - patiently instructed by my friend's cousin).
On our first day, we climb more or less 700 steps of Mt. Tapyas - really really tiring BUT once you reach the top, it's all worth it. Every few steps there's resting place so you can sit and take pictures until you're able to climb up again.

After this, you might want to soak your body on a hot spring to release some stress. And that's where we headed next - Maquinit Hot Spring. Best to be there around afternoon to night. Water was really warm and place is quite solemn.
(Sorry if the picture might not be as good as some might want - at the time - I was not the scenery type of person yet, but I've learned so much now... hahaha).
And after the nice soak in warm water, we went back to our hotel and swam in the pool.

On our second day, we were scheduled for island hopping. First we were awaken very early morning in order for us to see the dolphins. Then our next destination was the Twin Lagoon for snorkling. It was really nice there, since it was low tide, the water level is so low that there are some portions wherein we can step on the rocks and we were also able to pass between the two big rock togo around the lagoon and look for fishes. Since I was so busy swimming, I kinda forgot to take some pictures so just google it and you'll find the beautiful scenery.
3rd stop was Banol Beach - where we also had our lunch, prepared by the ever nice and ever dependable cousin of my friend.

4th stop was the breath taking Kayangan lake! There gonna be a bit of mountain climbing with a few mosquito but everything is all worth it (have I not said that enough??? Hahaha). The water really clear, place is once again solemn, you can watch small fish and swim there. Take all the pictures you want while on a balsa.

Then during our return back to city proper, we pass by Siete Picados - due to lack of time (since we so ogled Kayangan lake), we only took a few pictures while passing by.

As for our last day - 3rd day, we just visited the city while buying a few souvenirs of our fun vacation.

I hope you guys have fun reading my travel blog to Coron. Well, sad news though, in 2013, the city was hit by the super typhoon Yolanda, I heard that there were some damage - I hope that everything's been restored now.

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