Saturday, July 5, 2014

Quote Crazy: Message of Hope

I really like this quote when I first read it. This gives a message of hope to everyone who's been experiencing struggles in life.
So remember, if you have been on a hard situation, it was given to you because you're strong enough to live it!

Epal Patrol: Train Handrail Incident

This post is about a woman who's sooooo lazy to properly hold on the train handrail. She just doesn't care at all that some passengers were having trouble balancing and looking for any way to grab on the handrail.
Well, sorry to her, I don't backout! So, eventhough my bag was grazing her (since it was on my arm), I didn't let go of the handrail until she (I think) got irritated with me that she moved farther! Hahaha!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Movie Watch: Transformers: Age of Extinction

Exactly a week ago, I watched the latest Transformers with my friend. Actually, I'm not really updated with the latest movies, and being that 5 out of the 7days of the week I'm so emerge on my work (career woman that I am), I didn't even know that there's a latest installment of my favorite Transformers. Well, I'm glad I have friends who keep me up to date. Enough about that...

I would like to say that we all have different opinions ok? So, as for me, I really love Transformers: Age of Extinction. I like that it made me laugh so hard, it also made me angry towards their enemies and it made me fall inlove with their characters. I like that there are a lot of action all through out the film. Great acting, wonderful actors superb effects.

I just have 1 big question though, what happened to Sam Witwicky to Major Lennox and other characters on previous installment? I didn't seem to hear their names mentioned. Was it supposed to be just 5yrs from when the Chicago inciedent? Why was there no mention as to what happened to them?

(Special thanks to google image search for the picture)

Food Trip: Tofu Steak (Tokyo Bubble Tea)

Head's up, I'm a very picky eater! But I love Milkteas!

Since I'm quite addicted to milktea, my friend and I came across Tokyo Bubble Tea, and to our surprise, they actually serve rice meal as well. It's a bit pricey but I can't help it when I first tasted their Tofu Steak! I loved how it was cooked and of course the taste. 

Together with rice and milktea, my meal was perfect!

Caution, if you're just on your 1hr lunch break, you might get late. The serving is a bit slow, probably due to lunch time, but, there aren't that much people. The few times that we ate there on our lunch break, we were late coming back. So, we've learned our lesson!

Travel: Coron Palawan (Philippines)

I've been to Coron in 2010 with my friends. We took Cebu Pacific flight that lands in Busuangga, there we rode van going to city proper of Coron. My friends cousin was the one who toured us all throughout our stay and they're also the one who arranged our itenerary, stay and food. We stayed at Darayonan (nice staff, nice room, good and cheap accomodation) - with swimming pool (where together with my friends, we learned how to swim - patiently instructed by my friend's cousin).
On our first day, we climb more or less 700 steps of Mt. Tapyas - really really tiring BUT once you reach the top, it's all worth it. Every few steps there's resting place so you can sit and take pictures until you're able to climb up again.

After this, you might want to soak your body on a hot spring to release some stress. And that's where we headed next - Maquinit Hot Spring. Best to be there around afternoon to night. Water was really warm and place is quite solemn.
(Sorry if the picture might not be as good as some might want - at the time - I was not the scenery type of person yet, but I've learned so much now... hahaha).
And after the nice soak in warm water, we went back to our hotel and swam in the pool.

On our second day, we were scheduled for island hopping. First we were awaken very early morning in order for us to see the dolphins. Then our next destination was the Twin Lagoon for snorkling. It was really nice there, since it was low tide, the water level is so low that there are some portions wherein we can step on the rocks and we were also able to pass between the two big rock togo around the lagoon and look for fishes. Since I was so busy swimming, I kinda forgot to take some pictures so just google it and you'll find the beautiful scenery.
3rd stop was Banol Beach - where we also had our lunch, prepared by the ever nice and ever dependable cousin of my friend.

4th stop was the breath taking Kayangan lake! There gonna be a bit of mountain climbing with a few mosquito but everything is all worth it (have I not said that enough??? Hahaha). The water really clear, place is once again solemn, you can watch small fish and swim there. Take all the pictures you want while on a balsa.

Then during our return back to city proper, we pass by Siete Picados - due to lack of time (since we so ogled Kayangan lake), we only took a few pictures while passing by.

As for our last day - 3rd day, we just visited the city while buying a few souvenirs of our fun vacation.

I hope you guys have fun reading my travel blog to Coron. Well, sad news though, in 2013, the city was hit by the super typhoon Yolanda, I heard that there were some damage - I hope that everything's been restored now.

Movie Watch: Always/Only You (Korean Movie)

*** a lot of SPOILER alert - don't read if you don'want spoiler, you've been warned!!! ***

There's this Korean Movie that I've watched morethan 20times now and I'm not exagerating at all. I'm just the type of person that can watch a movie that I like over and over and over again. Well, the title of the movie is Always / Only You - Main characters are played by So Ji-sub as Cheol-min (from series Master's Sun) and Han Hyo-joo as Jung-hwa (from series Spring Waltz and Brillian Legacy).

Jung-hwa, due to an accident when she was in college is blind, while Cheol-min has a dark past - he's an ex-MMA and he previously worked for loan-sharks as collector.
They met during Cheol-min's duty as a parking-lot attendant of the building where Jung-hwa is working. She (after work) normally spends time with the old man who previously worked there - however, he resigned and Cheol-min replaced him. Jung-hwa doesn't know about it, so when she arrived at the booth, she thought she was talking to the old man - and that's when Cheol-min realized that she's blind.
The next day, Jung-hwa returned to the booth to watch the television series on Cheol-min's tv, and when she was about to go home, she was almost hit by a car and needs to be sent to the hospital due to foot/leg injury - of course, it was our hero who brought her to the hospital and sends her home.
As Jung-hwa's way of thanking him, she gave him a concert ticket (2),  but since Cheol-min doesn't anyone to go with him, she volunteered herself (and now we have their first date).
After the concert, they decided to eat, but due to Jung-hwa's talkativeness and insistence of knowing Cheol-min's past, he got irritated and berrated her for being too inquisitive. When they got to Jung-hwa's house - the air is a bit awkward, so he told her partially about his dard past. The next day, she started avoiding him.
After a few days, while Jung-hwa is opening her house door, her boss at work appeared and with a bit of force enetered her house. Her boss liked her so much but he's married, so he tried lto force himself on her. Fortunately, our hero arrived to give her something when he heared about the commotion.
As an ex-MMA, Cheol-min gave her boss what he rightfully deserved. Still, Jung-hwa is not happy, because she's thinking about her daily life (how she'll earn money and such). Cheol-min offered to help out, but due to our heroin's pride, she didn'accept that.

A few days after (again...), she went to the booth where he's working and asked if they can go somewhere since she resigned from work. (Now, we are off to their 2nd date).
On the day of their date, Cheol-min gave her a Golden Retriever, as her guide dog and they name him Dinga. While on their date, they each got a stone that represents each other , so if they're not together, that will be their memento. (Hhhmmm, looks like they are telling us something, right?).
They decided to live together and Cheol-min went back to boxing. On Children's day, Jung-hwa asked Cheol-min if he can accompany her to visit her parent's where their urns are kept. That's also when it was revealed how her parents died and she became blind. And Cheol-min realized that he had something to do with that accident.

A lot still happened, and that's the best part - so I hope you watch it for you to find out.

What I love most about this movie is how the story progress, their chemistry and how good they act - again these are just my opinion so you can make your own opinion once you watch the film.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Movie Watch: High School Debut (Japanese Movie)

I recently wacthed the movie High School Debut a Japanese movie that mainly starred Junpei Mizobata as Yoh and Ono Ito as Haruna. The movie is cute in it's own way. Yoh is the school popular while Haruna is a girl who's looking for love after devoting her young life at softball.

Haruna needs someone to coach her how to be popular in order for her to find love. Then comes Yoh with slow motion effects - however, there's a slight problem. Due to past love, Yoh does not believe in love and girls anymore. But due to Haruna's persistence, she was able to enlist Yoh's help.