Friday, August 28, 2015

Quote of the Day: No man is an island

Quote of the Day: No man is an island

No man is an island by John Donne.

- Human beings do not thrive when isolated from others (Ref.
- Human beings necessarily depend on one another, as in You can't manage this all by yourself (Ref.
- Human beings do not (or should not) live in isolation. All people are interconnected. A person is not like an island, standing alone and surrounded by sea. (Ref.
I have this friend who thinks that it's fine to be by yourself and not make any friends (or at least keep the one's you have right now). That it's not a big deal being alone. I myself is not a crowd type person, I'm a bit of an introvert - and I always thought that I can survive without really involving myself with the team/group. However lately, I'm so happy to be in this group of people who's able to appreciate who I am, what I do and how I interact with them. Then I realize that it's not really bad having to involve myself with this people because they make me stronger and believe in me more.
My Thoughts:
The quotation helps us understand that while it's not a sin to be alone, but having people around you can make life much more bearable. Those people can cheer you up when you're down, help you when you have problems, fight with you if other's are hurting you and most importantly - love you whenever you feel left and alone.
Don't suffocate you self, don't make your space too tight and uncomfortable and don't let the air you breath to be limited. Enjoy life while you still can. If you can't be friendly with someone - don't make enemies and don't create your own bubble wrap. You don't have to be out going to enjoy life, you just have to be with the people you love and do things that you'll all enjoy.

Food of the Day: Shake Shake Fries of McDo

Food of the Day: Shake Shake Fries of McDo
I've already tasted 2 of the 3 available flavors of Shahe Shake Fries (McDo) - and so far so good! I love them! - my favorite flavor is BARBECUE, it has a chili salty flavor that I really like. The other flavor is CHEESY BUTTER, it stays true to its name - cheesy and buttery. And the last, which I haven't tried yet is PIZZA flavor, I'm not that inclinde to try it but I still might in the next few days.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Music Madness: Breakdown By Mariah Carey ft Bonethugs


Mariah Carey ft. Bonethugs
Break, break down, steady breakin' me on down
Break, break down, steady breakin' me on down
Break, break down, steady breakin' me on down
Break, break down, steady breakin' me on down

You called yesterday to basically say
That you care for me but that you're just not in love
Immediately I pretended to be feeling similarly
And led you to believe I was O.K.
To just walk away from the one thing
That's unyielding and sacred to me

ChorusWell I guess I'm trying to be nonchalant about it
And I'm going to extremes to prove I'm fine without you
But in reality I'm slowly losing my my mind
Underneath the guise of a smile gradually I'm dying inside
Friends ask me how I feel and I lie convincingly
'Cause I don't want to reveal the fact that I'm suffering
So I wear my disguise 'til I go home at night
And turn down all the lights and then break down and cry

So what do you do when somebody you're devoted to
Suddenly just stops loving you and it seems they haven't got a clue
Of the pain that rejection is putting you through
Do you cling to your pride and sing "I will survive"
Do you lash out and say "How dare you leave this way"
Do you hold on in vain as they just slip away

{Repeat Chorus}
Yeah, c'mon
Yeah, c'mon, c'mon
Break break down
Gotta get control
Roll roll roll along
Steady breakin' me on down
Roll roll roll along
Break break down
Gotta get control
Roll roll roll along
Steady breakin' me on down
Roll roll along

It'll break you down
Only if you let it
Everyday crucial situation wrackin' my mind
Tryin' to break me down
But I won't let it
Forget it
Forget it

I've been feelin' like you're breakin' me down
Kickin' me around
Stressin' me out
I think I better go and get out and let me
Release some stress (stress)

Don't ever wanna feel no pain (pain)
Hoping for the sun
But it looks like rain (rain, rain, rain)
Oh, i just wanna maintain

Yeah, when you feel the pressure's on
But nevertheless
Krayzie won't fall
It's over
It's endin' here, here

{Repeat Chorus}

Series Watch - Philippines: On the Wings of Love (Wk 1)

OTWOL Week 1:

1st Week:
Young Lea and young Clark met when young Lea's dove escaped it's cage (the same time that she heard the news that her mom - while working in the US - died due to an accident) and landed on young Clark's house wounded. Clark saw that the dove has a tag with the owner's address and therefore decided to return the dove ti it's rightful owner.
Clark went to the address found on the dove's tag and met Lea where he returned her dove, but since Clark has a flight to catch, they were not able to chat long because Clark was called by his mom who's in a cab. But since they originated in Pampanga (a province in the Philippines), his mom used a different dialect to tel him to come back to the cab as they will be leaving. His mom said "mekeni" meaning come here. Since Clark did not introduce himself to Lea, Lea thought that Mekeni was his name.
When Clark and his mom arrived in the US, they met his aunt "Tita Jack" who's a TNT (tago ng tago / illegal alien) there. They went to visit Clark's father (who is an American) to introduce him, unfortunately he didn't accept him as his son because he already have a family there. Clark's mother decided that they will stay in the US until he's recognized by his father. Unfortunately, his mother died before anything even happen. The US government got a wind of Clark's situation and sent him to the orphanage - Jack (his aunt) was unable to fight for him to keep him because she's an illegal alien. Since Clark is already a bit old to be adopted, no one does and therefore he was sent to foster home.

After some years:

Adult Lea is in US embassy applying for a US visa because the choir (she's a member of) will be competing there. She was asked by the immigration officer why she'd want a US visa and she said that it's because of the competition. But the officer does not fully believe her story and asked if there's more. While the other choir member's are all also applying for US visa, including Jigs (Lea's boyfriend, Jack's son, a cousin of Clark). Lea told the officer that she wanted to visit her mom's grave who died in the US a few years back who died and was buried there - because they don't have enough money to fly her remains back to the Philippines. The officer's heart got nicked and approved her application, on the other hand, her boyfriend's application got denied because of the unbelievable things he was telling the immigration officer.
When Lea told Jigs that her visa application was approved, Jigs expected her to decline flying to the US because his visa application got denied. When Lea corrected him and told him that she will still push through, Jigs got mad and asked her to choose between US and him. When Lea told him that she still would like to go to the US because that's her dream and because she really wanted to visit her mom's grave, Jigs told her that her answer means that they're now on a break.
Lea's been thinking twice because of Jigs, but because she really wanted to pursue her dreams, she still go through with her plan.
In the US, Clark is working multiple jobs just to be able to send money to his half siblings for their school and needs. He talks to them via Skype and ask how they're doing and what they need.